
August 30, 2024 · 442 words · One minute

. find ./ -mindepth 1 ! -name ".git" ! -name "CNAME" ! -path "./ .git/*" -exec rm -rf {} + python3 hugo cd git init git remote add origin git add . git commit -m "$(date)" git pull --rebase origin main git push --set-upstream origin main import os import re import markdown import requests from pathlib import Path import shutil import yaml from urllib.parse import urlparse def extract_metadata_and_content(markdown_content):


December 25, 2019 · 647 words · 2 min

. 使用HTTrack和Github进行网站“硬核备份” 网站备份有多种方式,常见的如使用WordPress插件备份[1]或者在主机中自行打包数据


June 21, 2018 · 5803 words · 12 min

. 尽管大部分答案都可以在课本上找到,不过在紧张的期末复习期间这项工作仍然显得无趣且繁琐,因此在这里为大家整理了一套答案,供大家复习时参考。 工艺

My first try on neural network

October 28, 2017 · 1721 words · 9 min

. Install Tensorflow on Windows Step 1 Installation of CUDA What is CUDA, and why do we use it? CUDA is short for Compute Unified Device, and it is a production of NVIDIA corporation that aims to solve the complicated computing problems with GPU within a parallel computing architecture. Developers can process programming with C, C++ or FORTRAN under a standard, mature environment (CUDA environment) to control GPU to solve problems.
